Disclose reception costs on monthly lobbyist report. Identify the reception date, sponsor's name, total cost, attendees' names, and, in some cases, a per person cost calculated by dividing the number expected to attend into the total cost.

Always include the list of attendees when itemizing a reception, even if the reception meets the criteria set out in WAC 390-20-020A. Lobbyists will no longer upload separate documents or photos showing sign-in sheets for legislative receptions. Instead, they will input the names of attendees directly into the electronic form, either by copying and pasting a list from their records, or manually typing them. This will allow the public to more readily access the information.  

Receptions hosted by an employer of multiple lobbyists:

Only the principal lobbyist for the employer will disclose the reception as explained above.

Receptions hosted by multiple lobbyist employers:

The principal lobbyist for each employer discloses the employer's portion. Not all of these lobbyists are required to list the reception attendees and, when necessary, the per person cost. Only one is required to include those details and the others will reference the lobbyist's report that contains the attendees' names. If the reception does not meet the criteria explained above and the per person cost for food and beverage exceeds $100, one of the principal lobbyists must provide the food and beverage cost to elected officials and professional staff who attend. (Calculate the food and beverage cost by dividing the full food & beverage costs by the expected number of attendees. Use the full food & beverage costs regardless of how much each of the lobbyist employers paid.) Each lobbyist employer who paid a portion should be listed as the "Source of Gift" on the L-2 memo report.

Receptions hosted by organizations who do not employ lobbyists:

Hosting even just a one-time event intended to influence the passage or defeat of legislation will trigger the registration and disclosure requirements, unless the organization is exempt because it spends less than $100. The principal organizer will register as the lobbyist and disclose the lobbying-related expenditures on an L-2. The registration may be terminated once all of the lobbying-related expenditures have been disclosed and the organization is certain that it will not engage in any other lobbying through the end of the registration cycle.