Campaigns that wish to take an extra step to wind down their operations can file a notice of intent to dissolve. If a committee chooses to dissolve after filing a final report, it can submit a notice of intent at
By filing a notice, the committee will attest to the following:
The notice of intent will be posted on the PDC’s website.
If, 60 days after the committee filed this notice of intent to dissolve, it remains in compliance with the above requirements and has not notified the commission in writing that it revokes its intent to dissolve, the committee shall be deemed to be dissolved. The executive director will acknowledge by electronic writing the committee’s dissolution, which will also be posted on the commission’s website.
If the committee has not met the requirements for dissolution, the executive director will notify the committee by electronic writing and explain the reasons it is ineligible to dissolve.
Dissolution does not relieve the candidate, elected official, or officers from any obligations to address violations that occurred before the committee was dissolved.