Lobbyist Employers Summary


This dataset is a list of all lobbyist employers and shows compensation/expenses totals for each year they employed lobbyists.

This dataset is a best-effort by the PDC to provide a complete set of records as described herewith and may contain incomplete or incorrect information. The PDC provides access to the original reports for the purpose of record verification.

Descriptions attached to this dataset do not constitute legal definitions; please consult RCW 42.17A and WAC Title 390 for legal definitions and additional information regarding political finance disclosure requirements.

CONDITION OF RELEASE: This publication and or referenced documents constitutes a list of individuals prepared by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission and may not be used for commercial purposes. This list is provided on the condition and with the understanding that the persons receiving it agree to this statutorily imposed limitation on its use. See RCW 42.56.070(9) and AGO 1975 No. 15.

Last Updated:
Field Name Data Type Description
agg_contrib number This is the aggregate total of all non-itemized contributions given by this employer for a specific year.
ballot_prop number Total of independent expenditures supporting or opposing statewide ballot measures.
compensation number This column contains an aggregate of all compensation paid to all of an employer's lobbyists for a year. This is the compensation as reported by the lobbyists. When the employer is filing this report, it has the option to change this total if they don't agree. The new total is reflected in the "corr_compensation" column in this dataset. You must review the actual filing to determine the particulars.
corr_compensation number This column allows the employer to correct the compensation reported by the lobbyists. The lobbyist reports compensation from an employer monthly. The sum of the amounts reported is provided to the employer for verification. If the employer disagrees with the aggregate amount reported by all their lobbyists, the corrected amount is placed in the column.
corr_expend number This column allows the employer to correct the expenses reported by the lobbyists. The lobbyist reports expenses incurred on behalf of an employer monthly. The sum of the amounts reported is provided to the employer for verification. If the employer disagrees with the aggregate amount reported by all their lobbyists, the corrected amount is placed in the column.
Employer_Address text The lobbyist employer's address.
Employer_City text The lobbyist employer's city.
Employer_Country text The lobbyist employer's country.
Employer_Email text The lobbyist employer's email address.
Employer_Name text The employers registered name. The name will be consistent across all records for the same filer id and election year but may differ across years due to a lobbyist changing their name.
employer_nid text The unique identifier assigned to a lobbyist employer. This filer id is consistent across years.
Employer_Phone text The lobbyist employer's telephone number.
Employer_State text The lobbyist employer's state.
Employer_Zip text The lobbyist employer's zip code.
entertain number Total of entertainment, tickets, passes, travel expenses (including transportation, meals, lodging, etc.) and enrollment or course fees provided to legislators, state officials, state employees and members of their immediate families.
expenditures number This column contains an aggregate of all expenses paid by all of an employer's lobbyists for a year. This is the total of expenses as reported by the lobbyists. When the employer is filing this report, it has the option to change this total if they don't agree. The new total is reflected in the "corr_expend" column in this dataset. You must review the actual filing to determine the particulars.
expert_retain number Aggregate total paid to or on behalf of expert witnesses or others retained to provide lobbying services who offer specialized knowledge or expertise that assists the employer’s lobbying effort.
id text PDC internal identifier that corresponds to a lobbyist employers unique filer id combined with the year of registration. For example an id of 17239-2017 represents a record for an employer whose filer id is 17239 for calendar year 2017.
ie_in_support number Aggregate total of independent expenditures supporting or opposing a candidate for legislative or statewide executive office or a statewide ballot measure.
inform_material number Aggregate total for composing, designing, producing and distributing informational materials for use primarily to influence legislation.
itemized_exp number Aggregate total of any expenditures, not otherwise reported, made directly or indirectly to a state elected official, successful candidate for state office or member of their immediate family, if made to honor, influence or benefit the person because of his or her official position.
l3_nid text This number is the report number of the employers annual expense report.
lobbying_comm number Aggregate total for grass roots lobbying expenses, including those previously reported by employer on Form L-6, and payments for lobbying communications to clients/customers (other than to corporate stockholders and members of an organization or union).
other_l3_exp number The aggregate of other lobbying-related expenditures, whether through or on behalf of a registered lobbyist. Does not include payments previously accounted for.
political number The aggregate total of all itemized contributions made in a specific year.
total_exp number This field is a calculated field adding the expenses reported by the employer. It combines the following columns: expenditures + agg_contrib + ballot_prop + entertain + vendor + expert_retain + inform_material + +lobbying_comm + ie_in_support + itemized_exp + other_l3_exp + political. NOTE: THE "CORR_EXPEND" FILED IS NOT USED IN THIS CALCULATION.
url url Url to the latest submission of the L3 report
vendor number Aggregate total paid to vendors on behalf of or in support of registered lobbyists (e.g., entertainment credit card purchases).
Year number The calendar year in which an employer hired a lobbyist.