This dataset contains compensation and expense summary records from the monthly reports of lobbying activity. One record is included for each client that paid compensation or incurred expenses during the filing period. If the lobbyist firm themselves incurred any expenses not reimbursed by a client, a record is included summarizing the lobbyist firm's expenses. If a lobbyist reported no compensation or expenses on the report, no records will be in this dataset. Records are included for a period of ten years, beginning in January, 2016. The date is determined as the filing period of the report, not the date received. Records are included for the full year so for example, all 2017 records will be included until the entire year 2017 falls outside the 10 year time span.
This dataset is a best-effort by the PDC to provide a complete set of records as described herewith and may contain incomplete or incorrect information. The PDC provides access to the original reports for the purpose of record verification.
Descriptions attached to this dataset do not constitute legal definitions; please consult RCW 42.17A and WAC Title 390 for legal definitions and additional information regarding political finance disclosure requirements.
CONDITION OF RELEASE: This publication and or referenced documents constitutes a list of individuals prepared by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission and may not be used for commercial purposes. This list is provided on the condition and with the understanding that the persons receiving it agree to this statutorily imposed limitation on its use. See RCW 42.56.070(9) and AGO 1975 No. 15.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
advertising | number | This is the sum total of advertising expenses reported for this L2 and filing period. |
compensation | number | This is the sum total of compensation reported for this employer on this L2. |
contractor_id | text | This is the unique identifier corresponding to contractor records in the dataset. |
contractor_name | text | This is the contractor name, as reported on the filed L2. |
contributions | number | This is the sum total of contributions reported for this L2 and filing period. |
contributions_total | number | |
direct_expenses | number | Sum of all direct lobbying expenses |
employer_id | text | This is the unique employer id for this employer, and matches the employer identifier in the PDC Accesshub online filing system. |
employer_name | text | This is the title of the employer as reported when filing electronically using the PDC Accesshub online filing system. |
employment_registration_id | text | The ID of the record that identifies the employment of the lobbyist by their client and any subcontractor. |
employment_type | text | Signifies a direct or subcontracted employment relationship. |
entertainment | number | This is the sum total of entertainment expenses reported for this L2 and filing period. |
filer_id | text | This is the unique lobbyist id for this lobbyist, and matches the lobbyist identifier in the PDC Accesshub online filing system. |
filer_name | text | This is the title of the lobbyist or lobbyist firm, as reported when filing electronically using the PDC Accesshub online filing system. |
filing_period | calendar_date | The filing period for this report. |
first_filed_at | calendar_date | This indicates the first submission date of the L2 report. |
funding_source_id | text | This is the unique identifier of the Firm/Emp relationship record for this L2. |
funding_source_name | text | This is the title of the Firm/Employer relationship for this L2. |
id | text | This is the unique identifier for this dataset. |
independent_expenditures_ballot | number | |
independent_expenditures_candidate | number | |
indirect_expenses | number | Sum of all indirect and grassroots lobbying expenses |
net_compensation | number | The compensation the lobbyist received after paying any subcontracted lobbyists. |
net_total | number | This column is the total of all expenses and compensation, minus sub lobbyist compensation. |
origin | text | This value shows how the report was filed: FE = Filed electronically; FP = Paper filed. |
other | number | This is the sum total of other expenses reported for this L2 and filing period. |
personal_expenses | number | This is the sum total of personal expenses reported for this L2 and filing period. |
political_ads | number | This is the sum total of political ads expenses reported for this L2 and filing period. |
receipt_date | calendar_date | The date that the report was filed. |
report_number | text | This is the identifying number of the filed L2 from the PDC Accesshub online filing system. |
sub_lobbyist_compensation | number | Payments to other lobbyists hired by the lobbyist or paid by the lobbyist from a portion of the funds received from the employer. |
total_expenses | number | This column is a total of all "expenses" incurred by the lobbyist for all employers for a given year. NOTE: this total does not include compensation. It is the sum of "personal expenses" + "entertainment" + "contributions" + "advertising" + "political advertising" + "other expenses". |
type | text | Shows if this report was filed for an employer or for a lobbyist. |
url | url | A permanent link to a .pdf copy of the original filed report. |