This dataset contains debts, obligations, and orders placed by Washington State Candidates and Political committees for the last 10 years as reported to the PDC on Schedule B to the C4 Summary Report.
Loans are not included in this dataset. Loans, however, are a debt but are contained in the Loan dataset.
For candidates, the number of years is determined by the year of the election, not necessarily the year the expenditure was reported. For political committees, the number of years is determined by the calendar year of the reporting period.
Candidates and political committees choosing to file under "mini reporting" are not included in this dataset. See WAC 390-16-105 for information regarding eligibility.
This dataset is a best-effort by the PDC to provide a complete set of records as described herewith and may contain incomplete or incorrect information. The PDC provides access to the original reports for the purpose of record verification.
Descriptions attached to this dataset do not constitute legal definitions; please consult RCW 42.17A and WAC Title 390 for legal definitions and additional information regarding political finance disclosure requirements.
CONDITION OF RELEASE: This publication constitutes a list of individuals prepared by the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission and may not be used for commercial purposes. This list is provided on the condition and with the understanding that the persons receiving it agree to this statutorily imposed limitation on its use. See
RCW 42.56.070(9) and AGO 1975 No. 15.
Field Name | Data Type | Description |
amount | number | The amount of the debt incurred or order placed. This field could be an estimate while the campaign is awaiting the final invoice. This column may contain a few negative amounts. These are caused by inaccurate reporting by the filer. |
code | text | The type of debt. The values displayed are human readable equivalents of the type codes reported on the form C4 schedule B. Please refer to the form for a listing of all codes. Itemized debts are generally required to have either a code or a description but may be required to have both. |
committee_id | text | The unique identifier of a committee. For a continuing committee, this id will be the same for all the years that the committee is registered. Single year committees and candidate committees will have a unique id for each year even though the candidate or committee organization might be the same across years. Surplus accounts will have a single committee id across all years. |
debt_date | calendar_date | The date that the debt was incurred. |
description | text | The reported description of the transaction. |
election_year | number | The election year in the case of candidates and single election committees. The reporting year in the case of continuing political committees. |
filer_id | text | The unique id assigned to a candidate or political committee. The filer id is consistent across election years with the exception that an individual running for a second office in the same election year will receive a second filer id. There is no correlation between the two filer ids. For a candidate and single-election-year committee such as a ballot committee, the combination of filer_id and election_year uniquely identifies a campaign. |
filer_name | text | The candidate or committee name as reported on the form C1 for candidates or Form C1PC for political committee registration. The name will be consistent across all records for the same filer id and election year but may differ across years due to candidates or committees changing their name. |
filer_type | text | Indicates if this record is for a candidate or a political committee. In the case of a political committee, it may be either a continuing political committee, party committee or single election year committee. |
from_date | calendar_date | The start date of the period for the report on which this debt record was reported. |
id | text | PDC internal identifier that corresponds to a single expenditure record. When combined with the origin value, this number uniquely identifies a single row. |
jurisdiction | text | The political jurisdiction associated with the office of a candidate or a local ballot initiative. |
jurisdiction_county | text | The county associated with the jurisdiction of a candidate or local ballot proposition. Multi-county jurisdictions are reported as the primary county. This field will be empty for political committees and when a candidate jurisdiction is statewide. |
jurisdiction_type | text | The type of jurisdiction this office is: Statewide, Local, etc. |
legislative_district | text | The Washington State legislative district. This field only applies to candidates where the office is "state senator" or "state representative." |
office | text | The office sought by the candidate. Does not apply to political committees. |
origin | text | This field shows from which filed report-type the data originates. B.3 refers to Block 3 of Schedule B to the C4. To view the different report types and forms browse to: |
party | text | The political party as declared by the candidate or committee on their form C1 registration. Contains only parties as recognized by Washington State law. This field does not apply to political committees. |
position | text | The position associated with an office. This field typically applies to any jurisdictions that have multiple positions or seats; for example State Representative, Judicial, and local offices. This field does not apply to political committees. |
record_type | text | This field designates the item as a debt. |
report_number | text | PDC identifier used for tracking the individual form C4 . Multiple debts will have the same report number when they were reported to the PDC at the same time. The report number is unique to the report it represents. When a report is amended, a new report number is assigned that supersedes the original version and the original report records are not included in this dataset. |
thru_date | calendar_date | The end date of the period for the report on which this debt record was reported. |
url | url | A link to a PDF version of the original report as it was filed to the PDC. |
vendor_address | text | The street address of the vendor or recipient.. |
vendor_city | text | The city of the vendor or recipient. |
vendor_name | text | The name of the vendor or recipient’s name. The names appearing here have not been normalized and the same entity may be represented by different names in the dataset. |
vendor_state | text | The state of the vendor or recipient. |
vendor_zip | text | The zip code of the vendor or recipient. |